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Explore posts by Judith Germain

Improve your Impact and Influence (Video)

Improve your impact and influence as a Maverick Leader...

Effective Maverick Leaders Execute (Video)

Effective Maverick Leaders Execute (video). One of the most...

Lessons in Leadership (video)

Lessons in Leadership (video). In this video Mary Gregory...

Collect Dots (video)

Collect Dots (video). The ability to strategise with a...

Maverick Leaders need to innovate (Video)

Maverick Leaders need to innovate (video). It's impossible to...

Maverick Leadership – the interview! (video)

Maverick Leadership - the interview! (video). In this video...

Maverick Leaders need to strategise (Video)

Maverick Leaders need to strategise (video). The ability to...

What is Maverick Leadership? (Video)

What is Maverick Leadership? (video) "Maverick Leadership is the manner...

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