Our magazine is a year old today!
The Maverick Paradox Magazine was officially launched on 13 January 2020 borne out of Judith Germain’s desire to look at the world from the eyes of the maverick! (Judith has been defining mavericks as ‘wilfully independent’ people since 2005).
The Maverick Paradox Magazine is an innovative, first of its kind magazine. It is wilful independence played out for the greater good.
There are currently 14 writers and there have been 34 guest writers!
The writers are a Swagger of Socialised Mavericks [1] who are disparate experts providing diverse opinions. They are wilfully independent people (mavericks) and have a unique and interesting maverick perspective on the world around us.
[1] A Swagger – collective noun for Socialised Mavericks – Judith Germain